Watch out! There's a "Coach Trip" about! Costa Almeria Tours take out Brendan Sheerin and his gang of contestants to the Almeria Alpujarras. Coming soon on E4. Shhhhhh..."Secret Spain"

Costa Almera Tours joined the team of Brendan Sheerin and his 14 contestants travelling through Andalucia (under sufferance or not, I an unsure) and met up with them in the beautiful Alpujarras in Almeria! See the spectacular skills they learned for cleaning squid and de-boning fresh anchovies,  with the resulting squeals due to squirting ink and fish guts...(and the wasps caused a problem too) Well we enjoyed watching the suffering...and Brendan is a great bloke, I tell you, his patience with his coach party followers knows no realms...

Brendan and Mana Enriquecita attempt to explain the gutting process...

Brendan and Mana Enriquecita attempt to explain the gutting process...

The new series on E4 starts tomorrow (Monday, 17th January at 8.30pm) and if you want to see the nasty contribution Charlie and Jackie made to the poor contestants sensitivities at our Secret Spain bodega with Mama Enrequicita, February 19th is your day, same time and place. I would say, "not to be missed", but I would, wouldn't I?

Blood and guts (squid and fish) - contestants keep their distance until the task becomes theirs!

Blood and guts (squid and fish) - contestants keep their distance until the task becomes theirs!

Please see our website for a full lowdown on our tours at


Contact us on or call Jackie & Charlie on (0034) 646760389 anytime